November 24,2020 -


作者: 冼玲鳳, 資深大律師 澳門曾被葡萄牙管轄400多年,由於澳門與葡萄牙的這種聯繫,許多人尋求獲得葡萄牙國籍。除了回歸原籍,葡萄牙公民身份還帶來在歐洲共同體內許多其他好處。鑒於這種政...

November 17,2020 -


2020年10月11日開始,对所有成員國具有約束力的以基於安全或公共秩序為由審查外國直接投資的歐盟規定 開始生效。 《外國直接投資審查規定》涵蓋了來自第三國的外國直接投資,即“那些包括國家實...

October 10,2020 -

IPIM case trial

On the outcome of the IPIM case, Jackson Chang (defended by the C&C legal team) was sentenced to a two-year jail term but acquitted of bribe charges. Senior Partner Alvaro Rodr...

October 10,2020 -

We’re satisfied with the verdict – Jackson Chang’s lawyer

"Álvaro Rodrigues, the lawyer of former Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) President, Jackson Chang, stated today (Friday) that he was “satisfied” with the verdi...

October 10,2020 -

‘Blue Cards’: “We cannot say that a person is unloved when a person is needed”

Senior Associate Lawyer Icilia Berenguel shares her views on the role of non-resident workers in the local job market, prior to Fundação Rui Cunha's conference. Read more here (...

October 09,2020 -

Govt urged to engage with ‘sender’ countries of migrant workers amid new labour-related laws – Experts

Senior Associate Lawyer Icilia Berenguel joined the panel of experts on the conference "Blue Card Holders – the unloved?" at the Rui Cunha Foundation. "Acknowledging the goodwil...

October 09,2020 -

Blue Card Holders: The Unloved?

Thursday, October 8, at 6.00 pm, in the Gallery of the Rui Cunha Foundation, C&C Lawyers' Senior Associate Lawyer Icilia Berenguel joined the panel of speakers on the conferenc...

September 30,2020 -

Restrictions on capital outflow to the gaming sector could put a brake on the arrival of VIP players

C&C Lawyers' Senior Partner Nuno Sardinha da Mata shares his views on China's measures to restrict capital outflow on gaming. Read more here (article in Portuguese). foto...

September 23,2020 -

[已更新] 澳門《保險業務法律制度》的更新

作者: 陶義德 (António Isóo de Azeredo), 資深大律師 和 羅成軒(José Rodrigues), 法律專家 大約一年前,我們在此處分享了文章——當時即將修改六月三十日第 27/97/M 號法令澳門《保險業務法...

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