
A C&C Advogados pretende continuar a manter os seus clientes informados relativamente a todas as matérias legislativas que possam impactar os seus negócios.

Últimas notícias

September 23, 2020 -

[Actualizado] Actualização do Diploma Regulador da Actividade Seguradora de Macau

por António Isóo de Azeredo (Advogado Associado Sénior) e José J. Rodrigues (Jurista) Há cerca de um ano, partilhámos uma análise geral do que era, na altura, um projecto de lei v...

February 20, 2020 -

The new Guideline on Cybersecurity for the Insurance Sector

by António Isóo de Azeredo and José Rodrigues The Macau Monetary Authority (AMCM) recently issued a new Guideline on Cybersecurity for the insurance sector. This Guideline will...

October 31, 2019 -

Who will be impacted by Macau’s new plastic bag law?

by: João Nogueira Marques and José Rodrigues This Law aims to reduce the negative impact of plastic bags on the environment and will apply to sales by retailers. The Macau Legisla...

September 26, 2019 -

New Regime on the Trade of Rough Diamonds in Macau

by: Nuno Sardinha da Mata & Gonçalo Figueiredo The KPCS was established in 2003 after the United Nations General Assembly Resolution A/RES/55/56 recommended the creation of an...

September 11, 2019 -

Update of the Macau Insurance Companies Ordinance

by António Isóo de Azeredo and José J. Rodrigues Applicable since September 1997, MICO has been effective in facing the challenges and rapid evolution of the Insurance sector for ...

August 19, 2019 -

Running a business in Macau

by: Vera Bastos Macau is known for its multiculturality and diversity – and this uniqueness is also reflected in the legal system. From the very beginning, hurdles like having to ...

July 25, 2019 -

Let’s start a business!

by: Maria João Marques One of the many challenges faced when setting up a company in Macau is its human resources and workforce. Macau has very strict Labor and Immigration laws a...

June 13, 2019 -

Land Law – where do we stand?

by: Miguel Evaristo In fact, many Court cases have arisen on this issue, i.e., cases of provisional concession contracts’ ending for the lease of a certain land. Many of the conce...

May 27, 2019 -

China’s New Foreign Investment Law

by: Nuno Sardinha da Mata & Gonçalo Figueiredo This new piece of legislation claims to be "liberalising and facilitating investment at a high level, establish(ing) and improv(...

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